MyEd Portal
Log-In Tips
- If you have difficulties when using a mobile device try using a computer (if possible).
- The red X and “your password has expired” message is a prompt for you to reset from the temporary password to your preferred password
- You will be required to set a security question and answer; choose options you will readily remember.
- Due to the high security of the MyEd BC database, users are required to reset passwords every 90 days.
- The Login ID/User ID is either first initial last name format, or your email address.
Progress Reports
- Student report cards appear on the Family Portal landing page under “Published Reports”.
- Report cards are in PDF format, changes do not appear in real time.
- Report cards are set to expire on July 31 of the applicable school year, please save or print as preferred before that date.
- For additional technical assistance, please email: